
Benjamin Faber and Cecile Gaubert Named 2020 Sloan Fellows

Benjamin Faber and Cecile Gaubert Named 2020 Sloan Fellows

Globalization and Nationalism: Retrospect and Prospect

Globalization and Nationalism: Retrospect and Prospect

Globalization Cycles

Globalization Cycles

Call for Papers: Conference on Macroeconomic Implications of Trade Policies and Trade Shocks

Call for Papers: Conference on Macroeconomic Implications of Trade Policies and Trade Shocks

Public procurement in developing countries

Public procurement in developing countries

Multiproduct firms and markup

Multiproduct firms and markup

Informality, Commuting & Urban transport improvements: evidence from Mexico City

Informality, Commuting & Urban transport improvements: evidence from Mexico City

Labor Effects of Multinational Firms Entry

Labor Effects of Multinational Firms Entry

Unlocking access to credit through technological innovation

Unlocking access to credit through technological innovation

Placed-based redistribution

Placed-based redistribution

The real effects of fixed versus floating exchange rate regimes

The real effects of fixed versus floating exchange rate regimes

Exchange rates, capital flows and the financial cycle: the origins of the BIS view

Exchange rates, capital flows and the financial cycle: the origins of the BIS view

Does geographic expansion of banks increase, decrease or have no impact on their funding cost?

Does geographic expansion of banks increase, decrease or have no impact on their funding cost?

The Productivity Effects of Joining Multinational Supply Chains

The Productivity Effects of Joining Multinational Supply Chains

The Welfare Implications of Urban Gentrification

The Welfare Implications of Urban Gentrification

Financial Intermediation in International Macroeconomics

Financial Intermediation in International Macroeconomics

Firm Sorting, Endogenous Competition and Productivity in Developing Countries

Firm Sorting, Endogenous Competition and Productivity in Developing Countries

Local Shocks and Prices Pass-Through

Local Shocks and Prices Pass-Through

Investment and Capital Flows

Investment and Capital Flows

How Islamic are Islamic Banks

How Islamic are Islamic Banks

A New Engel on the Gains from Trade: Theory and Evidence Within and Across Countries

A New Engel on the Gains from Trade: Theory and Evidence Within and Across Countries

Brexit, the City of London, and the Prospects for Portfolio Investment

Brexit, the City of London, and the Prospects for Portfolio Investment

The Origins of Financial Development: The African Slave Trade and Modern Finance

The Origins of Financial Development: The African Slave Trade and Modern Finance

Dissecting Gravity: From Customs Forms to Country-Level Trade Flows

Dissecting Gravity: From Customs Forms to Country-Level Trade Flows

Progressive Taxation and Tax Revenue Across Development

Progressive Taxation and Tax Revenue Across Development

The effects of joining Multinational Supply Chains: New Evidence from Firm-to-Firm Linkages

The effects of joining Multinational Supply Chains: New Evidence from Firm-to-Firm Linkages

Estimating Sector-Level Economies of Scale

Estimating Sector-Level Economies of Scale

International Monetary Policy Spillovers: A High Frequency Approach

International Monetary Policy Spillovers: A High Frequency Approach

Indian Demonetization & Real Effects

Indian Demonetization & Real Effects

Measuring Imperfect Competition in Product and Labor Markets: An Empirical Analysis using Plant Level Production Data

Measuring Imperfect Competition in Product and Labor Markets: An Empirical Analysis using Plant Level Production Data

Geography & Supply Chain Organization

Geography & Supply Chain Organization

Price Discrimination in International Trade: Empirical Evidence and Theory

Price Discrimination in International Trade: Empirical Evidence and Theory

Optimal Spatial Reallocation

Optimal Spatial Reallocation

Resource Misallocation in European Firms: The Role of Constraints, Firm Characteristics and Managerial Decisions

Resource Misallocation in European Firms: The Role of Constraints, Firm Characteristics and Managerial Decisions

China and the SDR: Financial Globalization Through the Back Door

China and the SDR: Financial Globalization Through the Back Door

Immersion Therapy

Immersion Therapy

Global vs. Local Banking: A Double Adverse Selection Problem

Global vs. Local Banking: A Double Adverse Selection Problem

Microevidence of Labor Costs on Producer Prices

Microevidence of Labor Costs on Producer Prices

Indirect Rule

Indirect Rule

E-Commerce Integration and Economic Development: Evidence from China

E-Commerce Integration and Economic Development: Evidence from China

Firm Dynamics and Cities

Firm Dynamics and Cities

Do Antitakeover Laws Affect Technological Change? International Evidence

Do Antitakeover Laws Affect Technological Change? International Evidence

Managing Sudden Stops: Analytical Issues and Empirical Extensions

Managing Sudden Stops: Analytical Issues and Empirical Extensions

Banking the Unbanked: A field experiment in Prize-linked Savings in Mexico

Banking the Unbanked: A field experiment in Prize-linked Savings in Mexico

Insider Trading Laws and Innovation

Insider Trading Laws and Innovation

Relationships in Over the Counter Markets

Relationships in Over the Counter Markets

The Renminbi as Global or Regional Currency

The Renminbi as Global or Regional Currency

How Much Do Individual Firms Shape a Country’s Comparative Advantage?

How Much Do Individual Firms Shape a Country’s Comparative Advantage?

Appliance Adoption in Recently Electrified Rural Indian Villages

Appliance Adoption in Recently Electrified Rural Indian Villages

Cross-Border Acquisitions and Labor Regulations

Cross-Border Acquisitions and Labor Regulations

Peer Effects in the Demand for Energy in Mexico

Peer Effects in the Demand for Energy in Mexico

Does Peer Use Influence Adoption of Efficient Cookstoves? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Uganda

Does Peer Use Influence Adoption of Efficient Cookstoves? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Uganda

Stability or Upheaval? The Currency Composition of International Reserves in the Long Run

Stability or Upheaval? The Currency Composition of International Reserves in the Long Run