Watch the Webinar New Thinking in a Pandemic
You can watch the video of New Thinking in a Pandemic, a recent webinar co-sponsored by the Clausen Center, on YouTube at https://youtu.be/EcHBD-D5CRQ. In conversation with Clausen Center Director Professor Pierre-Oliver Gourinchas, the S.K. and Angela Chan Professor of Global Management, Political Science and Economics Professor Barry Eichengreen, who is also a Clausen Center faculty member, shared his recent research on how the coronavirus pandemic might significantly reduce trust in political institutions and science for decades to come, and leave long-lasting scars on the next generation.
About the series:
“New Thinking in a Pandemic: Business, Economics, and Inclusion” is a twice-monthly series hosted by Berkeley Haas faculty to highlight cutting-edge, high-level thinking and analysis on a range of topics around business, economics, and equity during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond.