Feb. 14, 2019: The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work
Richard Baldwin will give the Joan and Egon von Kaschnitz Lecture this Spring.
While globalization and robotics, “globotics”, will eventually make a better world, they are today creating competition for service-sector jobs that is coming faster than most believe and in ways that will seem incredibly unfair. If the displaced office workers join with the displaced factory workers, the result could be a disruptive upheaval. Richard Baldwin argues that workers need to prepare for the the future of work in new ways, and governments regulate the pace and unfairness of the competition from globots. Richard Baldwin is a Professor of International Economics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and Founder and Editor of the economic policy portal, VoxEU.org.
The Lecture will take place on February 14 at 3 PM in Spieker Forum,
6th Floor Chou Hall.