2018 Africa Business Forum
Africa will build the future.
Three of the five fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa. Africa has 300+ tech hubs in 93 cities across 42 countries. Increased internet penetration, mass urbanization and growth in smartphone adoption, combined with rapid population growth, has made Africa extremely attractive to investors.
Africa is the continent of tomorrow.
Africa is home to the world’s youngest population. In 20 years, the number of sub-Saharan Africans reaching working age (15-64) will exceed that of the rest of the world combined. By 2040, less than 25 years from now, half of the world’s youth will be African.
The world cannot afford to ignore Africa.
African innovators and entrepreneurs are utilizing new technologies to develop tailored inventions for Africa and transform industries. Opportunities are boundless as mobile-fueled tech adoption flourishes. Mobile and digital are set to do for health care what it has helped achieve for finance in Africa— overcome a lack of physical infrastructure.
Join the 2018 Haas Africa Business Forum to to explore these trends and discuss challenges and opportunities in Africa with other visionaries, thought leaders and game changers.

Chou Hall, Haas School of Business
Date & Time
Apr 7, 2018