Call for Papers: Conference on Macroeconomic Implications of Trade Policies and Trade Shocks

Call for Papers: Conference on Macroeconomic Implications of Trade Policies and Trade Shocks

Sponsored by the Clausen Center for International Business and Policy at Berkeley and the Peterson Institute for International Economics University of California, Berkeley, February 13-14, 2020

Call for Papers

The last two decades of rapidly shifting comparative advantage have been associated with economic and social dislocations and trade policy tensions. Those factors played a central role in the election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency, who followed through on threats of aggressive trade actions against America’s trade partners. Because both major U.S. political parties now embrace trade skepticism, more belligerent international trade policies and the accompanying trade disputes are likely to remain a feature of the global scene even under future presidents.

Much of the trade-skeptic agenda comes from a desire to shift macroeconomic outcomes – whether labor-market outcomes, trade deficits, or overall economic growth. It is therefore critical for policymakers to have a firm grasp on the macro implications of trade policies. The academic literature on that subject has lagged behind modern modeling advances in other areas of economics, perhaps because those advances occurred in a period when a rules-based international trading system largely kept trade hostilities in check. Policymakers intervening to offset supposed effects of trade would also benefit from a better understanding of how the forces of globalization (as opposed to other economic trends) have shaped economic outcomes.

This conference aims to update the analytical framework for analyzing trade policies and trade shocks to encompass modern developments in macro modeling and in trade theory. The goal is to encourage people to write papers that are compatible with the basic requirements in both the trade and macro literatures and allow economists to provide quantitative answers to questions about the short- and long-run impacts of trade policies and shocks on the trade balance, employment, real wages, income distribution, growth, and welfare.

To that end, we welcome submissions across a range of topics that include but are not restricted to theoretical and empirical studies on:

  • The effects of trade shocks on
    • labor-market dynamics
    • income distribution
    • external imbalances and growth
    • exchange rates
    • direct investment flows and production location
  • The rising importance and implications of global value chains.
  • The appropriate macro policies to deal with trade shocks.
  • The links between trade deficits and labor market outcomes.
  • The role of bilateral imbalances and the economic costs of trade diversion in response to tariffs.
  • The dynamics of trade warfare.
  • The possible emergence of regional trading blocs.
  • Macro impacts of quotas and other quantitative trade restrictions.
  • Impact and longer-run effects of Brexit.
  • Trade and investment effects of potential tax reforms.
  • The linkages between global trade volume and global growth.
  • The effects of trade policy uncertainty

Papers that integrate some aspect of trade in a macro framework will have priority. Proposals should be no more than 300 words in length and should give a clear account of the question(s) to be addressed and the analytical and/or empirical methodology, although they may be accompanied by draft papers.

Please send all proposals to:

The deadline for receipt of proposals is September 12, 2019. 

Download a PDF of this call for papers.

Evidence-based Economic Policy in Pakistan, March 8, 2019, noon

Evidence-based Economic Policy in Pakistan, March 8, 2019, noon

The Institute for South Asia Studies is hosting a lecture, On “Evidence-based Economic Policy” in Pakistan on Friday, March 8, 2019, by Atif Mian, Professor, Economics, Public Policy and Finance (Princeton University) and Co-Founder & Board Member, Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP); Asim I. Khwaja, Professor, International Finance and Development (Harvard University) and Co-Founder & Board Member, Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP); Maroof A. Syed, President & CEO, Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP) and Director of Pakistan Strategy & Development, Evidence for Policy Design (EPOD-Harvard); Saad Gulzaar, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Stanford University. The event will be moderated by Munis Faruqui, Chair, Institute for South Asia Studies, Associate Professor of South and Southeast Asian Studies. The Clausen Center is co-sponsoring this event.

February 11, 2019: Taming Japan’s Deflation  | 12-1:30 p.m. | Berkeley Haas , N340

February 11, 2019: Taming Japan’s Deflation | 12-1:30 p.m. | Berkeley Haas , N340

Around the world, governments have delegated political independence to central banks that wield tremendous power based on the belief that independence would allow these institutions to keep inflation in check. From the mid-1990s, Japan’s economy charted a unique trajectory: it fell into deflation and never fully emerged from it for nearly the next twenty years. Only with the election of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe at the end of 2012 and his appointment in early 2013 of new leadership at Japan’s central bank, the Bank of Japan (BOJ), did Japan finally launch a policy course capable of pulling Japan fully out of deflation. This presentation explains the shift in BOJ policy and factors behind it.

 Gene Park, Associate Professor, Loyola Marymount University

 James A. Wilcox, Professor, Haas School of Business

 Steven Vogel, Professor, Political Science, UC Berkeley

 Register online

Feb. 14, 2019: The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work

Feb. 14, 2019: The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work

Richard Baldwin will give the Joan and Egon von Kaschnitz Lecture this Spring.

While globalization and robotics, “globotics”, will eventually make a better world, they are today creating competition for service-sector jobs that is coming faster than most believe and in ways that will seem incredibly unfair. If the displaced office workers join with the displaced factory workers, the result could be a disruptive upheaval. Richard Baldwin argues that workers need to prepare for the the future of work in new ways, and governments regulate the pace and unfairness of the competition from globots. Richard Baldwin is a Professor of International Economics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and Founder and Editor of the economic policy portal,

The Lecture will take place on February 14 at 3 PM in Spieker Forum,
6th Floor Chou Hall.